May 2024 Newsletter

As the year winds down our team of educators continues to help you with your future decisions and plans:

  • for the summer
  • for your educational concerns and consultations
  • for next year’s placement and research
  • for recommending specialists as needed
  • for boarding school questions

From preschool through high school over 100 children were placed in public and private schools across our city through our practice this past year. We have helped families all over the world, from Dubai to Seattle and in between. In our own city we have reached different corners helping parents create a plan for their children. We meet each child and try to help you understand the learning style of your child, calling in additional specialists as needed or determined. 

Words that resonate with us as educational consultants: 




Proactive planning

Persistent positivity


Points to remember for summer:

  • We are constantly discussing the overuse of our devices. We are an addicted culture. Technology is a source of a constant battle with ourselves and our children. Summer can be a great opportunity to establish new boundaries and policies with technology in your home.
  • Remember the value of play and downtime. Summer is the perfect time for these themes. 
  • Allow for, and prioritize, reading. We want everyone to try all types of genres: graphic novels, audio books, magazines, autobiographies and science fiction. Reading is the key to learning and critical thinking. 
  • Find time regularly for your children to review some academic concepts: 

      Math, word problems and logic

      Writing and illustration for fun 

      Build vocabulary since vocabulary books are not readily used 

      And of course- READ, READ and READ

Books For Summer: Everyone in your family needs to be reading this summer! It’s important that parents model the practice of reading for their children. Please see below for some of our recommendations.

Non-Fiction for Grown Ups:

Fiction for Grown Ups:

Books for Late Elementary and Early Middle School: 

For Mid Elementary Chapter Book Readers:

For Early Chapter Book Readers:

For the Little Ones:

Finally a list of our continuing Atlanta day school partnerships and placements:

Atlanta Academy

Atlanta International School

Atlanta Speech School

Ben Franklin

The Children’s School

Christ the King

Cliff Valley School


Holy Innocents Episcopal School

The Howard School

The Lovett School 

Marist School

Mount Vernon School 

Pace Academy

The Paideia School

The Schenck School

St Benedict’s Episcopal School

St Francis

St Martin’s Episcopal School

St Pius High School

Trinity School

The Walker School

Weber School

The Westminster Schools


Woodward Academy

and many more schools including preschools and public schools. 

We have all been busy. Now it’s time to find time for yourself and your family. Do the things that bring you pleasure and joy to all. 

Happy Summer,   

Barby, Betsy, Fontaine and Margo